Something I don't do alone.....anymore
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, February 17, 2012.
**Warning! The subject below does contain some personal information**
The other night I realized that there is something I don't do by myself anymore. We take it for granted. Many of you haven't experienced this, but surely I wouldn't change my life over it. I just realized it the other day....
I never or hardly ever go to the bathroom by myself. I never have time for myself in the bathroom! This is something I realized the other day when I was at home by myself for a mere 30 minutes. I went to the bathroom alone. Silence. No cries. No barging in. No fighting. Usually when I go to the bathroom at home, the moment I STEP into the bathroom, someone is following me. As soon as I STEP into the bathroom, someone needs a drink. Someone needs me to turn on their show. Someone hurt their finger or their toe. As soon as I STEP into the bathroom and close the door, someone opens it and asks, "What are you doin mommy?"
The minute I turn on the shower and step in, I hear footsteps in the bathroom of someone having to use the toilet. They do know that we have 4...yes 4 toilets in the house but they have to use the toilet in the same bathroom I am taking a shower in. The minute they hear I am in the shower, someone cries for help. Someone yells for me.
We take our time alone in the bathroom for granted. We don't realize how much that few minutes in the bathroom is just needed. To do your duty. To think. To sit. To have that few minutes of quiet time. To look at the stain on the counter and know you have to clean it. To look at the toys hidden behind the toilet.
I miss it. So I go to work, I go to the bathroom and think I have a minute to myself and I hear gossip. I hear coughing. I hear people talking on their phones. I hear people laughing. I hear people talking about their doctors appointments. I hear other things....I will leave those noises out.
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