Potato & Leek Soup from a friend....
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
A few weeks ago we were invited to a spur of the moment play date and dinner with friends. My friend Amber made us Potato & Leek soup which was a recipe that her mother used to make her. All I can say is WOW. So good. I made it this past weekend and you NEED crusty french bread and butters so you can scoop up all the goodness of the soup. Easy to make, taste great and the best part about it- my kids loved it. Or should I say "kid" as in Matthew only since we all know how picky Julia is. Try it. You will love it!
Leek and Potato Soup:
1 large yellow onion (chopped)
1 lb of leeks (sliced thin-using all of it-green and white)
1 lb of russet potatoes (peeled and chopped)
2Tbsp of butter
6 cups of chicken stock
1 cup of milk (any kind is ok- I used whole milk)
To prepare the leeks –
Cut the end off and slice the leeks open lengthwise (Separate all of the layers out) and place them in an ice cold water bath (either fill a clean sink or use an oversized bowl) Let the sand fall into the water off of the leeks for about 15min.
Once cleaned, pat them dry and them slice them across in thin slices
In a large pot, melt butter on med/high heat (for about 10min)
Add chopped onion, leeks, and potatoes
Sauté them until soft on med/low heat (approx. 30-40min)
Or until potatoes are pretty soft
Bring temp up slightly and add the chicken stock and milk(warm temperature milk)
Heat through for another 10 min.
Turn off heat and let cool to room temp.
Use food processor to puree all and add back to pot to warm through for serving
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