Mommy & Daddy time....
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, February 17, 2012.
After giving the kids a good scrubbing, closing the 4th book after we said only 1 book, tucking them in three times and checking the closets, the window, the bathroom and under the bed. It’s time for them to go to sleep. They kids continue to argue, laugh at one another, make faces from across the room at each other, throw stuffed animals at each other as Dave continues to tell them to stop. Dave tells them to go to bed for the last time and comes to our room shaking his head. Then with one more burst of laughter from their bedroom, Dave storms in and with a stern voice says,
David: “This is the last time I am going to say this. Go to bed now so we can have mommy & daddy time”
Matthew: “What’s mommy & daddy time?”
David: “Just go to sleep Matthew!”
Mommy & Daddy time = laundry, dishes, scraping crumbs from the carpet, scrubbing stain stick on jeans, David unclogging the toilet for the 2nd time that night because "someone" put too much toilet paper in the toilet, shaking sand out of clothes from the playground, bills, super gluing parts of their shoes together so I don't have to buy yet another pair of shoes, oh and did I mention laundry??
Now if Dave can just figure out a way for these damn monster to stop making noise at night and waking up our kids- we would have real mommy & daddy time!
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