A book and pajamas...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, February 17, 2012.
As I mentioned in the post below, I had a 30 minutes to myself the other day. I was so excited that I didn't know what to do with myself! Shop for shoes? Go to the grocery store? Get gas?
What should I do? Should I start dinner early? Pack lunches for tomorrow?
I went straight home. I ran upstiars, went to the bathroom by myself and put my pajamas on! Yes I did! Then I ran around looking for the tablet. I opened up the Kindle App, picked a book in my Lirbary and curled up on my little chair and I read a book.
Do you know the last time I read a book without Dave and the kids around? Do you know that I hardly ever read GOOD books and that my nose is usually burried in a textbook, kids homework or other non-chic, kissing, romantic novels? Do you know that although I only had 30 minutes, of sweet time for myself? The 30 minutes was so sweet, so needed I LOVED IT.
I read a racy, raunchy cute, funny and adorable book called "Sleeping in Paris". The few pages I read were so good that I can't wait until Dave and the kids are asleep and I can get carried away in this book.
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