My OMC....
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, July 30, 2013.
Yes- I have an OLD MAN CRUSH. Actually I have 3 of them. I am not scared or ashamed to admit it. Dave knows that he is the only man for me...but hey I can't deny my OMC. So you are probably wondering who these lucky men are right? You can laugh- its OK. Dave laughs at me all the time...
1. Brian Williams- yes thats right! Nightly News with Brian Williams has never been sexier. Smart, Intelligent, handsome and has a great sense of humour...just like Dave :)
2. Bon Jovi-- rockstar baby! Why not Bon Jovi? I grew up listening to him through breakups, partying and young love. Gotta love the hair, twinkle in his eyes, the rockstar and the smile....Dave definately has the smile and twinkle in his eye (the hair...ummm...not so much Bon Jovi like...)
3. George Strait- WOW EEE WOW...his music, his voice, that hat, the little smirk/smile he has. Dave can sing just like him-- ask Dave to sing "Carrying your love with me..."
As you can see...Dave has qualities from each of my OMC (Old Man Crush)...he has Brian Williams sense of humour and intelligence. Although he doesn't have the Bon Jovi Hair- Dave has the Bon Jovi Twinkle in the Eye and the smile. No, Dave isn't a country singer but he sure can sing'em just like George Strait does.....
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