Father's Day is very meaningful to me. Its a time that I celebrate my dad who was just such an amazing man. I thank God everyday for the things he taught us, for his generosity for his sweetness and for his love. I never will forget the lessons he taught us and most of all the importance of family and celebrating life.
We celebrated Father's Day this year at the O's game. After an afternoon cheering our O's on- Dave decided to have a shrimp and beer fest at home and the kids really enjoyed eating and peeling their own shirmp and we had yummy s'mores on the fire pit! Happy Father's Day to David and we truly hope he knows what a wonderful fad and husband he is. He is just spectacular and we are so thankful for him and everything he does. We all get so busy in our lives and we sometimes forget to stop and appreciate all the things that he does for us. When he gets home from work he plays baseball and basketball with Matthew. He then finds sometime to put the dishes away or other housework, then he still has plenty of time to play cards or Candy Land with his Princess. He helps with dinner and packs lunches. He does lawn work and did I mention that he also does the laundry?? He is amazing and after a full day at work, spending time with the kids, housework and yard work- he has time for me too.
He is so sweet, he is so handsome, he is silly and he is generous.
He is kind and thoughtful
He has an abundance of love and its truly endless for his family
We were waaayy up there for this game but who cares-- we were there to see the O's! |
Kids walking on Eutaw street at Camden Yards! |
I know I posted this picture from OC before...but we dont have many pictures of just the two of us. |
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