Science Party & Eric Energy
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, February 12, 2013.
Matthew loves science. I know all boys love to see explosions and slime- but seriously...he loves science. He enjoys doing experiements at home and understanding how "things work" and "how things happen".
For his party this year, he wanted to do a science theme party. Well, I don't trust myself enough to actually perform real science experiments at home without supervision so we called in the expert- ERIC ENERGY. We have seen him at schools, local places such as Weber's Farm and Homestead.
Eric Energy performed some crazy science experiments and the kids loved it becuase they were also able to participate! There was smoke, checmical reactions, crazy bubbles, sound machine, loud music and more!
After Eric Energy's performance the kids ate pizza and we feasted on the volcano cake & cupcakes! The finale was the best because it was hosted by my very own hubby the scientist. Unfortunaltey I didn't get any pictures but just imagine 3 -2 Liter Diet Cokes + mentos= EXPLOSION!
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