Matthew turns 7!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, February 12, 2013.
February 3rd Matthew turned 7 years old. Can you believe it? It wasn't long ago that Dave and I didn't think we could have children. With lots of prayer and God's guidance, we were given a miracle and here he is now...7 years old. I still can't believe it. Although he likes to play football with Dave, wrestle, play video games and baseball- he is my baby.
When I walk in the house, I look at his face and I can tell immediately if he had a good or bad day. He hugs me so tight and kisses me at the bus stop infront of all the big kids.
He still twist his hair with his fingers when we watch a movie or when he is tired.
He loves his sister.
He is so sweet
He is very sensitive
He is a perfectionist
He wants to understand how things work- really work. Way too analytical
He always wants to know WHY
He doesn't know when to drop a topic
He is adorable
He has one dimple...sometimes two if you look close enough
He is almost as tall as me
He has some great dance moves
He is silly & quircky
...I can go on and on.
I love this little boy and so proud to be his mommy.
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