Happy Birthday Mommmmyy!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, February 1, 2013.
Oh yes- I still call ymom..."mommy"! Why not, right? Sometimes I call her "mama" or "Mammasita" which she loves! I think it makes her giggle!
So, she is yet another year older, wiser and just so beautiful! I love my mom and I know it may sound corny I truly want to be like her. She is strong willed, has an awesome personality, fun, loves to shop and most of all has the biggest heart to fit each one of her kids, their spouses, the grandchildren and all of the animals from fish, dogs and cats!
I think sometimes we forget how much our parents do for us because their are "moms" and "dads" and we expect it. Most of all we forget just how much love they have for us. Although we may think that they are nagging, or constantly reminding us about how to save money, or how to dress when it's cold outside or how to cook a certain dish properly- its all out of love and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I want to spend as much time as I can with my mom, I want her to see my kids and I want them to know and feel that love that is always pouring from her heart. Her love never ending and always unconditional.
Love you Mammasita....you are the best!
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