You must...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, February 12, 2013.
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Check your bust!
Really! Between the weight gain, the weight loss, babies, surgeries...a woman must get sized. A few weeks ago, Julia and I went on a date day where we went shopping, had lunch at the swanky Noodles & Company (her favorite place) and we went to get fitted for a bra. FOR ME SILLY...not Julia! She is only 4 years old!
Anyway- I have been wearing the wrong size. I guess I just assumed that I wore a certain size since the bras fit me OK I guess and every now and again I would have some spillage or the straps would come down or leave a mark under my chest. I just thought that my body was weird!
What a concept...getting fitted for a bra! It's a miracle and I feel great! Do you have any idea how long I have been wearing the WRONG size?
I heard that you should get sized once a year because if your weight fluctuates and things shift... I know, I hate to spend money on new bras...but you gotta take care of the girls and trust will feel better in your clothes when you are wearing the RIGHT size!
You can get sized at the following purchase necessary!
Victoria's Secret
Lord & Taylor
Trousseau -- in Virginia