St. Patrick's Day 2012
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, March 23, 2012.
We had a pretty big celebration for St. Patrick's Day this year- much different then what we have done in the past. Along with Aunt Debbie, Uncle Jim, Dave's mom also invited Aunt Linda, Uncle Brian, Brenden, Brandy and baby Reidd for some St. Patty's Day fun! We had classic Irish food, lots of green decorations and of course lots of fun outside with all the kids! The best time of all was of course our little make-shift temporary tattoo parlor in the kitchen! Matthew had so many tattoos - that they were going up his arm. It was a killer trying to scrub them off but they enjoyed it. The only one who didn't get a tattoo was me..ofcourse. Hey- I like to be different!
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