Note to the ToothFairy
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.
Last night I made home made fried party wings for dinner. The kids love them-- they are smaller chicken drums and wings and easier for the kids to handle. As we were chomping down on our wings, Matthew began to cry frantically. We had no clue what happened. Then he says with tears coming down..."I think I ate my tooth!" He had a very loose tooth and we knew that any day now it was going to come out. Sure enough, he must have bit into the chicken leg and the tooth got stuck in the meat and he swallowed it! We explained that it would be ok and that he would just "poop" it out and he could write the tooth fairy a letter.
Here is the note he wrote to the tooth fairy last night along with a picutre of him and the chicken bone. He put the note under his pillow so the tooth fairy could find it.
"Dear Toothfairy, I swallowed my tooth. Love, Matthew Dove"
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