Almost All Natural....except for the cheetos!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, March 5, 2012.
The last 8 months, we have been slowly converting our pantry to All Natural, Whole Grains and baked snacks. It has taken a long time but I am glad to say that we are almost there. It was difficult at first because I thought it was more expensive. I tried different brands, the kids hated it, we threw it out and I was just wasting money. Once I found the brands that they liked and would eat it was a much easier process for me. The meats, milk and eggs were of course the easiest to change. The kids LOATHE whole wheat pasta so I had to find pasta that looked white but packed a lot of fiber and whole grains or find a whole wheat pasta that didn't have the grainy taste. Crackers and pretzels were also easy to change and find whole grain options The other pantry staples like Pop-Tarts, Cookies, and CEREALS are still very difficult to change. My refrigerator is now stocked with a big bowl of fruits like grapes, cuties and apples. So as soon as the kids open it they see all of the fruit. I have also cut up peppers and cucumbers to snack on as well.
I am not a the food police at all. I do my best to give them the healthier options at home, I can’t change all of their favorite snacks but I feel good knowing that I can change at least 90% of them. I cook a lot so we only eat out every once in awhile or grab a bite to eat on those unexpected crazy nights. So when we are at home, I want to make sure that it’s the best possible, healthful foods and snacks I can give them. The other times they are spoiled at their grandparents houses with snacks and candy. They go to birthday parties and go buck-wild and eat candy, cake and juice like its crack. They can pick whatever they want on the menu as long as there is also a fruit or veggie.
It’s been a long road making these changes, the kids really haven’t noticed it except for when I changed out Alien Orange colored cheetos for baked cheetos. Matthew blew up on me like I committed a crime. Or the time that I switched to low fat Oreo cookies and Julia almost threw it up. I tried. That’s all I can do. I know that there are some snacks that I can’t change and that the kids just HAVE to have. It’s ok. They are kids. What they don’t know is that mom is adding extra fiber, whole grains, puree'd vegetables in sauces and giving them wheat baked snacks in all of the other things that they eat!
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