The Dragon....
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.
Many of you may not have seen this. Some of you had a glance at this. Some of you have experienced it at its full force. I apologize to those of you have experienced it during its peak, during the beginning stages or any stage of it for that matter. It is scary. It is quite embarrassing. I think it may be hereditary. I am trying to get better.
It’s not a disease I don’t think. I am not sure what it is. Dave has given me an Avenger type name. FAMISHED DRAGON. This is what you see when I don’t eat, when I miss a meal, or if I do not eat on time. I turn into this creature. I have grown accustomed to eating throughout the day at work so I do not change into this creature in front of my co-workers. It has happened a few times when I had meetings lasting longer than 3 hours and I left my snack on my desk. My co-workers were scared. However, I cannot control it on the weekends. I try. Along with the snacks that I pack for the children, I include snacks for myself. I bring water, crackers, cookies, fruit everywhere I go. There are those days on the weekends though that we are running from one thing to another, running errands and I just didn’t bring enough snacks with me. It comes out. This creature. I get snippy, I talk back, my attitude comes out. David says that fire begins to come out of my ears, my mouth and nose. He describes this as the HULK type of transformation. During this time, everyone is wrong. I argue about everything, I bark at Dave, bark at the kids. I don’t mean to. I need to be fed. It’s simple. This is just a warning to those of you who haven’t seen it. For those of you who are in direct hit of this creature, pack snacks with you. When you see it, offer it food and water. That is the only thing that will keep the Famished Dragon away.
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