Our dear friends Joe & Amber had an awesome camping birthday party for their son Phoenix. Matthew has never spent the night at anyone else's house other than Dave's mom's house. This was not a typical overnight party- this was in a cabin, in the woods...CAMPING! We bought a sleeping bag for Matthew and we talked about all the fun things he would do while he was there overnight and we even told him that we were only a few minutes away just in case he needed us! It was hard for me to leave him overnight at a campground in the woods, but he was there with our friends that would take care of him. Plus I knew it was something that he should experience and wanted to do.
They had so much fun celebrating Phoenix birthday, going swimming, searching for bugs, eating s'mores by the fire and just hanging out with the boys. Thank you Joe & Amber for such a fun time- although Matthew cried just a bit at night for Dave, this is something he will never forget!
This is the cool cabin where the boys slept! |
Happy Birthday Phoenix! |
Checking out the birthday presents! |
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