Happy 64th Birthday Daddy
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, August 30, 2012.
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He was stubborn (Very Much So....)
He had rules and we followed them (Except...I did try to break a few rules and I did get caught)
He was tough and very strict (Now looking back and also being a parent myself- it's all out of love and trying to protect your children and family)
He had a beautiful smile.
He was honest.
He was trusting.
He taught us how to save money and the importance of saving.
He loved to sing and had a beautiful voice.
He believed in the Lord and taught us about the bible and the importance of our beliefs and religion.
He loved us all even when we did something wrong (especially me)
He taught us the importance of family.
He loved my mom most of all.
I learned so many things from both my parents and although it took me a LONG LONG LONG time, I did finally grow up and I learned:
How to be honest. When I was younger, I only thought about myself. I would lie and steal to get my way. I learned that life is not about that. Once my parents could forgive me, I had to learn how to forgive myself and start being honest not only with myself but with others.
How to forgive. Many of us will never forget the wrongs that we have done, others have done to us or forget moments that wished never happened. My parents taught me that although we may not forget, we have to forgive to help our heart not feel so heavy so we can move on and live our lives.
How to love. I was a horrible teenager, but I think its because I never really loved myself. I loved myself in a selfish way, but it mattered too much what other people thought about me. Before I really loved someone, I had to learn how to love myself, how to appreciate what I had and how to be proud of myself.
Family. All of this circles back to family. We are a tight family. Coming from another country, we grew up having only one another. The importance of family is something both mom and dad instilled in us and what we teach our own family and children today. No matter our differences, our beliefs, our way of life, family always circles back to one another. We help one another and no matter the problem we would always help one another and be there for each other. Our parents always taught us to be there for each other because we are family.
In today's crazy schedules of work, sports, school and life, its important that we stop and appreciate the life that the Lord has given us. Be thankful for our family, friends and for each day that we have.