When did you know that he loved you...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, May 18, 2012.
I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who asked me last week how did I know that Dave was in love with me. What/when was the moment that I realized that he loved me but didn't yet tell me. So I shared this with her last week and I realized that I don't think many of you know. Dave is probably blushing right now while reading, and trying to find a place to hide.
January 2000, we took our first trip together to Disney World. This was also my first trip out of state with a boy, by myself without my parents. Let's just say that it wasn't an easy task to get my daddy to approve me to go with this strange, country, 6'2" footer wearing tight jeans, who he had only met a few months ago. We went to Disney World for 5 wonderful days, went on all the rides, screamed like little kids, ate ice cream for breakfast, danced with characters, danced on stage at the luau and I fell in love. Yup. Yes I did. Me, the city girl, party girl fell in love with this country boy who towered over me at 6'2", who wore jeans that I hadn't seen since the 80's and who was and is the most handsome man I know (next to my dad and my Matthew of course)
Well, to get to the point.....the last night of our Disney trip, we went to see the fireworks at Magic Kingdom one last time. It was such a clear night, cool brisk January weather of Florida. Tinkerbell flew in the sky and lit up the castle. Fireworks were blowing up the sky and thousands of people lined Main St. We were sandwiched between people, but Dave stood there still, very protective with his arms around me. As we were enjoying the fireworks, I looked up to smile at him and then all of a sudden he did it. It came out of the blue, out of no where, Dave smacked on the PDA. Infront of all those people, thousands of people. Not just a peck on the cheeck, mind you. Not just a quick kiss on the mouth but he sure did lay it on me.
You see, Dave is such a private person. For him to do that infront of all those people, I just knew that he loved me. It did take him another few weeks to come out and say it but yes....that was the night that he fell in love.
So to my friend. Young, sweet, learning about love....we are ALL still learning about love. Even for those of us who have been married for 1 year, 5 years, 11 years and 50 golden years. He may show you that he loves you in the oddest way. It may take him months to tell you. He may not tell you. All you can do is be open and tell him and show him how much you care for him and follow your heart.
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