Fifty Shades of oh my hotness!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, May 18, 2012.
This controversial trilogy has been out for sometime now but I just happened to finish it recently and love it. Between school, work, sports, and life I am a little late to join the Fifty Shades fan club but count me in! I am one of them. The controversy of this book includes BDSM, love, learning, growing, partnership and openess. (The acronym BDSM combines bondage and discipline (B&D or B/D), dominance and submission (D&S or D/s), and sadism and masochism (S&M or S/M). BDSM includes a wide range of activities, forms of interpersonal relationships, and distinct subcultures. taken from wikipedia,
I do not beleive this is "mommy porn" as TV entertainers have called it and I do not believe that the main character Ana was abused in this book. Many people are skeptical of the book becuase of the BDSM, the sex, the erotica and also the neediness of Ana and Christian Grey. I am not going to lie, of course I was intriguied by the BDSM, but mostly, I found it to be a love story. I was so captured by the caring nature that the two main characters had for one another. Their emails, their quickiness, his rich lifestyle, her clumsiness. This is a story where characters learn about themselves, learn about each other, learn about different lifestyles and making decisions based on what they want and need. It is a story of a lifestyle many of us are afraid to talk about, afraid to ask about and would never think to enter. It is also about compassion, respect, trust and love.
Books are meant to open our minds, hearts and thoughts. Books could be a way to escape even if its for a few hours or a few days. Books allow you to read about a different time, understand a different perspective even if you don't agree with it. It helps you learn about characters that you would probably never meet in your lifetime. Whether the book talks about science fiction, erotica, slavery, murder, or romance..take a chance on books. Take a chance on reading something out of the ordinary. Take a chance and lose yourself in a book, enjoy the downtime and imagine.
If you haven't read Fifity Shades of Grey the Trilogy...what are you waiting for?
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