Christmas 2011
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, January 17, 2012.
What an incredible Christmas! So thankful that I was able to share it with my family and so glad that the kids loved their presents. A few hiccups here and there with the presents, but nothing that mommy & daddy couldn’t fix right away! Each year we always talk to the kids about giving to those less fortunate or may need some help. I know that they are only 5 and 3, but they clearly understand the reason for giving. They continually asked us to buy more and more canned foods, boxed foods and toiletries to fill up their donation boxes at school. We also purchased toys for the Toys for Tots program. We donated bags of their very gently used clothes, shoes and jackets. Donated lots of toys that they no longer played with.
It is certainly a good deed to help those in need around the holidays. I hope to be able to do this more throughout the year – whether its donating food to the food bank, clothes donations, lend a hand at the grocery store to someone who needs help. So glad that we can help people and talk to the kids about this and the importance of “giving”.
It is certainly a good deed to help those in need around the holidays. I hope to be able to do this more throughout the year – whether its donating food to the food bank, clothes donations, lend a hand at the grocery store to someone who needs help. So glad that we can help people and talk to the kids about this and the importance of “giving”.

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