Matthew Graduates from Pre-K!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, June 14, 2011.
"Your children will graduate and be promoted to many things, but this graduation will be the most memorable" This comment made by Ms. Judy, Director and owner of Severna Park Childrens Centre really struck me yesterday and as Matthew walked into the pavillion, sang his songs, recited his poems and received his Pre-K diploma. The comment was so true because he doesn't have to worry about what kind of car he will drive, what college to go to, what he is going to do or be the rest of his life he is jsut a 5 year old boy graduating from preschool....

Matthew and his classmates worked so hard for the last 4 months practicing each song, poem and dance to make sure that their parents and grandparents would witness the most adorable, innocent and sweetest graduation ever.
Severna Park Children Centre made this graduation so special for the children and parents. Each individual childwalked into the pavillion proudly by themselves to Pomp & Circumstance, smiled and waved to their parents and made us each all cry with their sweet voices and songs. Made us laguh with their dance moves and introductions and touched each one of us as they walked up to receive their diplomas.
Matthew enjoyed his special day with Dave, Grammy, Lola and myself. We went to the mall to do a little shopping, ate at Cheesecake Factory and we made sure that we got him his chocolate cheesecake that he had been asking for.
I just want to hold him tight. He is growing up so fast, getting so tall and learning so much. His laugh is infectious, his smile is so bright and he makes my heart smile.

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