Fan-dang- the service charge!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, June 27, 2011.
This past weekend we saw Cars 2 at the movie theaters. The kids were so excited to go- this was Matthew's 2nd movie at a theater and Julia's very first. I was a bit nervous because Julia had never been to a movie theater and she is such a little diva that I just knew she was going to cause some kind of chaotic scene. In preparation for the movie, we talked about the lights going off, that it would be dark and loud but she could sit on mommy's lap if she got scared. We talked about popcorn, how much fun she was going to have and we talked about the movie.
All of those preparations didn't prepare me for a stinking service chrage when we purchased tickets online through Fandango. We thought it would be the best way to secure our tickets because of such a popular kids movie. We didn't want to get there and be left in the dust if tickets were not available.
To my surprise...Julia was wonderful and even fell asleep the last 45 minutes of the movie. But the other surprise was a $6 service charge that Fandango charged us to pick up our tickets at the kiosk! What a joke and rip-off! Just happy that the kids had fun and Julia didn't have a drama-tude during the movie!
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