Fathers Day Part III...Missing our dads
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, June 23, 2011.
As we celebrate David and other dads on father's Day, we are also celebrating the lives that his dad and my dad lived. We visted the cemetary this past weekend and it was so touching to see the kids put flowers on their gravesites. We talk to the kids all the time about their Pop-Pop and Lolo. They know that Pop-Pop and Lolo are guardian angels, who fly, who live in heaven and who watch over them.
I miss my dad's voice, the way he used to sing, laugh and yell at me when I was in trouble
I miss holding my dad's hand and hugging him
I miss all of the advice he used to give me. He was always right...
Most of all, I miss him being here to be part of so many wonderful family moments.
I am sad that he didn't get to have more time with Matthew and Julia.
I wanted him to have more time with me, my mom, my brother, my sister, his son/daughter inlaw, and more time with all of his grandchildren.
May he continue to watch over us, guide his and give us his strength, love and faith as we continue to live his dream for mom, his children and grandchildren.
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