Automatic Toilets- MUST DIE
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, January 2, 2014.
Seriously. I'm done with them. OVER with it already....go back to the regular style toilet flushers PLEASE.
Those who know Julia know that she is terrified of toilets that flush automatically. I feared that she was the only child with this strange problem, however after much reading, googling and research it is a very common issue with children. I don't know if she just doesn't like the toilet flushing when she is on it, I don't know if she thinks its going to swallow her up. I don't know if she doesn't like the water hitting her bum when she is on it...I DON'T KNOW!
We have talked about it but she really won'y say why she is scared of them. She has gotten belly aches from not going to the bathroom all day if we can't find an automatic potty. She even had a bladder infection because she went so long without going potty.
I have even tried to cover the stupid sensor with my hands and it dosn't work-- there must be toilets that sense any movement and it flushes by itself.
I have heard of parents using sticky notes to cover the sensor- but NOPE didn't work. The girl is too smart for that. I tried the sticky note trick but she wouldn't have any of it at all.
So now-- she holds it as much as she can when we are out and I can't find a regular toilet. If we go away, I actually call the hotels, restaurants and plan accordingly. I memorize the stores that have regular toilets and I map it out in my head in the even there is ever a serious emergency.
I am a mommy on a mission- automatic sensored toilets MUST die! (Picture below is from One Loco Mommy) - if you google "kids and automatic toilets" you will see that so many other parents share my frustrations!
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