Dave and I celebrated 12 years on Sunday April 7th. It was a beautiful Spring Day and we had a full day of events planned! Church, Flag Football, lunch and yardwork/painting!
We are doing some updating to the landscaping and painting around the outside of the house- we are super excited about our plans so although it was our anniversary, we didn't mind doing a little yardwok in the afternoon. We went to church in the morning then I made an awesome brunch before heading off for an afternoon of flag football with the boys. We then headed to Cheesecake Factory for our anniversary lunch and then tackled the yard work when we returned home. Our friends and family were so great and offered to watch the kids so Dave and I could have a date- but we turned them down. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than with Matthew & Julia. We had a great day and look forward to another 12years, 24 years, and 50 years together.
Last night as we were winding down, we talked about how we have changed as a couple and as individuals in the last 12 years and we both agreed that we have grown and matured... some. Trust me- it may sound like we had this deep conversation but we were laughing and joking about some of our "old ways and antics" and some things that we still do that get on our nerves. We have accomplsihed some greatness in the last 12 years as Dave no longer leaves his dirty socks around the bedroom floor which I hated AND I am no longer the neat freak I was when we first go together before the kids came. Yes- I still like a clean house- who doesn't? But I no longer feel the need to clean the bathrooms or floors at 10pm! I would much rather cuddle up with my babies & Dave, watch a movie, play games wth the kids or find something fun in the area to do together.
Of course as any other married couple, we have our little disagreements but we are having the time of our lives, we laugh and we have fun. We still have our own little issues like Dave's procrastination and my impatience. Our focus is on our marriage, our health, our family and our children. We support one another, we keep each other strong and we communicate.
One important thing about our relationship is that we understand how short life is. Dave and I both had fathers who passed away at a young age. It is important to us that we spend as much time together as a family, do things together to make memories, enjoy the simple things and are so thankful and greatful for such a wonderful and loving family. Whether we are outside playing ball, blowing bubbles, going to a park, packing a picnic, family game nights, vacations or just our family movies nights with a big bowl of popcorn- life is short and we want to make as many memories as possible and enjoy life.
Matthew took this picture!
Just a little sunny behind us don't you think? |
Then we have this picture-- we are silly! |
We were trying to take a nice picture of the two of us and
Matthew PHOTOBOMBED our picture! |
Anniversary Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.
The boys look a little tired after 2 hours of flag football! |
The girls! |
Beware-- my kids now like to photobomb other people's pictures! |
Julia and I kept braggin' to the boys about Yolavie so yes-- they dragged
us to Yolaive so they can get some FROYO! We didn't mind one bit! |
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