One very nice perk about working for a college is that I get a spring break! Although it never coincides with Matthew's Spring Break, I am still able to volunteer at school, run errands, meet up with friends and spend special days with the kids and Dave. This Spring Break, I went on a field trip with Matthew to the US Postal Museum and the Air &; Space Museum. We have taken the kids to the Air & Space Mueseum a few times but I was very excited to see the US Postal Musem.
It was such a neat place and although it was only 1 floor- there was plenty of things to see and do. I was amazed at the collection of stamps that they had and I found stamps from the Philippines and Maryland. Matthew was also able to make his very own stamp collection which was pretty neat. I also loved seeing the old style mailboxes not just from the US but also from around the world!
I loved looking at the stamp collection from all over the world. The kids thought it was pretty neat since stamps had pictures of cars, trains, houses, different symbols, people etc. |
Matthew standing infront of an old horse & carraige that used to deliver mail! Ok- so the horses were NOT real! |
The kids loved the old post boxes/mail boxes. They liked opening and touching the different mailboxes. We did get in trouble for touching it ,but maybe they should put a sign up or put rope around it so we know NOT TO TOUCH! |
Air & Space Museum |
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