Look who's back...

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, December 17, 2012.
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Matthew has been so concerned that Santa and Buddy (last year's Elf on the Shelf) would never find our house.  Well, look who showed up a few weeks ago!  Rex (his new name for this year, or you can still call him Buddy) has shown up everywhere and the kids are so excited to come down each morning to see Rex/Buddy's new hangout place. 

*Found him on top of our curtains in the dining room
*Found him above our kitchen cabinets
*Found him in the kids bathroom (creepy I know...)
*Found him chillin' on the top window-sill above our door!

Redskins vs Ravens

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, December 13, 2012.
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December 9th- the Redskins played against the Ravens at FedEx field.  Yes, I know I grew up in Dundalk (Baltimore County) so I do have Baltimore in my blood.  But I also married a Redskins fan.  A serious fan.  This is the fan that wears redskins gear, drinks out of a Redskins cup and has a Redskins pillow pet.  He is a serious fan. My family are Ravens fans all the way-- so it was fun to have a battle of the beltway and battle of the family when the Ravens played against the Redskins!

Before the game!

Watch out-- they are getting rough in here!

They made Matthew put on the Ravens jersey when the Ravens scored a touchdown!  Can you see that he still has his Redskins shirt underneath?!

Sisters!  Love this picture and LOVE HER!

Christmas in Severna Park

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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Everyone in the area has been talking about the tree lighting ceremony.  Since we are still pretty new here, we weren't sure how involved the tree lighting ceremony was.  Was it as big as the White House National Tree Lighting or maybe even Rockefeller Center?  Not really but all who lived in Severna Park, their friends and family came out on a beautiful night.  Although its not the bustling downtown scene of DC, Baltimore or Annapolis they do have their annual 4th of July Parade, Santa runs in the firetruck and of course the annual Christmas Tree lighting and Santa sleigh rides!

Last weekend we attended the Christmas Tree Lighting and it was such a fun treat.  The local Chamber of Commerce provided cookies, cider and apple juice to the residents, the local schools sang songs and even had a dance company provide some yuletide entertainment.  The streets were filled with families, friends and neighbors, police were out in full force helping direct traffic and the sounds of the holidays were all around.  Once the tree lighting was finished the crowd moved their way to a local shopping center to stand in line the a carriage ride with Santa & Mrs. Claus.  It was a great evening and something that was such a small treat really had a great effect to bring out the neighbors, family and friends to share the holiday cheer.

Severna Park Tree Lighting

Bagpipe performance at the Tree Lighting Ceremony

A local dance company of girls ages 3-18 came out and gave us a little jingle and jangle!


Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, December 12, 2012.
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December 8th was the anniversary of dad's passing.  It has been a very busy last few weeks for all of us with the holiday season, work and of course life in general.  This past weekend and even this week has been a bit tough for me.  Since many of our things are still in boxes in the basement or garage, I have been fumbling through my pictures to find more of my dad.  Dad passed away in 2006 and I didn't have a digital camera back in the early years where I could save the pictures on a USB.  I want to preserve the pictures I have of him and have been in search of them.  I want to create an album that of him that I can share with the kids.

I miss him so much.  It's not just difficult for me now because its the time of year of Christmas.  I just miss talking to him.  Sometimes I talk to him at night, when I am driving and when I am church.  I get frustrated that I don't have the answers that I know my dad would have.  He just had this wisdom about everything.

It gets harder for me each year.
I am getting older, have lots of questions, decisions need to be made about the future and my family.
I miss hearing him sing
I miss hearing him tell me all the facts that may not sound like facts but sound pretty believable
I miss holding his hand

I also get angry that he isn't here to see his beautiful 6 grandchildren.  I know he is protecting them from above.  I know I shouldn't be angry that he isn't here with us.  I am just sad.....

Triple Date Night

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, November 26, 2012.
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Black Friday night- we decided to have a date night with a few friends.  So you know its very difficult for me to leave the kids with just "anybody".... That is the reason why Dave and I usually don't have a date night. because I have a hard time just leaving the kids.  Plus we just always love to do things with the kids- so we usually do a date night, movie night-- with the kids!

Luckily, our friend  has a wonderful babysitter that she has known for YEARS and that she trusts with her kids.  I have met her before, and she is wonderful, responsible and just loves all of our kids.  She took on the difficult task to watch three 6 year old boys,  a 4 year old princess and a 2 year old adorable wild princess!  So needless to say- she certainly has her hands full when she watches our kids!  Pizza, movie, popcorn, toys, blankets and PJs- the kids were so excited for their parents to go out because this was their "free" night!

We decided to go to Irish Channel in Crofton. Although the first band (lets just say...One Man Band) was singing some slow tunes...it did pick up later that evening.  We spent a few hours eating great food, shared great stories, laughed so hard and had just a "few" cocktails.  I do have to admit that I was bugging my friend to text our babysitter throughout the night to just check-in and see how the kids were doing!  We had a great night and can't wait for our next TRIPLE DATE NIGHT!

Amber, Joe, Dave, me, Alex & Andres

We hardly ever get a picture of the two of us together!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...2012

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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Fa La La La La.....
It's Christmastime...
Silver Bells....

Along with eating 2 thanksgiving feast, shopping for some great black Friday deals, triple date night...we also took some time out to start decorating our new house for Christmas!  Our home was filled with boxes again but this time it was to put up the tree, garland, lights, decorations and more.  We still have a few more small things to do...but I think it's starting to look like Christmas at our home.  Have fun decorating and sit back, relax and enjoy the holiday sights all around!

Whats Up!


Garland on the steps..still not sure about this look.  It may change again....

Picture of me & daddy next to some holiday decorations

The tree!

Fireplace, kids, stockings.....what a sight!

Happy Thanksgiving- Gobble Gobble 2012

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Sunday, November 25, 2012.
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I love Thanksgiving.  It's kind of the kick-off to my holiday.  I know...stores are kicking off the holiday season in early October but I like to wait until Thanksgiving.  I love the smell of pumpkin, cinnamon, apples, turkey- its just so wonderful!  I love that we just get to eat, relax, eat some more and relax again!  We spent Thursday (Turkey Day) at my mom's with my sister, brother and their families.  We of course had the traditional thanskgiving feast with some yummy additions of Filopino food!  Then Saturday we had Thanksgiving #2 at Dave's mom's house with his sister and her husband.  We had the traditional fare there as well and both dinners were so yummy!  We love getting together with our families and just chillin out and eating of course!
Julia & Auntie Debbie making pumpkin mousse
Matthew playing video games- football of course!

Julia painting pine cones that we found in our neighborhood on our morning run!

Matthew loves arts & crafts....his pine cones were in different color stripes!

My new running partner- Julia & I running off the thanksgiving feast!

Cute picture isn't it?  She kept up with me- although her run usually consists of hop, skip, gallop, run, walk and picking up leaves, pine cones, acorns and more!

Thanksgiving morning- playing with leaves!

And more leaves!


So thankful and blessed for these beautiful kids and a wonderful family....

Best Daddy

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, November 8, 2012.
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Julia has had this nagging cough for a few days now but its worse at night when she lays her head down.  The other night she couldn't stop coughing and I was ready to move her to our room so we could get... maybe ...just a few hours of sleep.  She wanted her daddy so Dave decided to lay down on her floor until she fell asleep.  Later that night, I found this.  Daddy sleeping on her floor using her Minnie Mouse pillow.  Look closely-- the best part of this picture is that Dave is holding her Teddy Bear that wears a red tutu.



Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
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There are many things that I love.  But none more than this below. 
This is my heart.  This is my love. 
This makes my heart smile.

Happy Birthday Amaya!

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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Our niece turns 3 years old on Wednesday November 7th!  We celebrated with family and friends on Sunday at Kiddie Crusoe in Timonium, MD.  What a fun time!  This place had dress-up stations, pretend areas such as a kitchen, grocery store, fire station and more.  It also had a huge indoor playground area with tons of climbing stations, swings, indoor mini coasters and slides.  Then another play area in the back had inflatable moon bounces.  The kids had a blast and as you will see below-- so did the adults!  Happy Birthday Amaya and we all love you very much!

Amaya blowing out her candles!

Julia & Amaya "jumping around"

Matthew on the indoor mini coaster!

This swing was the favorite of all!

Slide my baby!  Julia had a blast!

I need a juice box!

Swinging and swinging...

And some more swinging....with Julia & Auntie Maria

And more swinging....

Did I mention that everyone loved these swings??

Even David!

Pumpkin Carving Time

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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Each fall the kids look forward to carving pumpkins.  We started this a few years ago and once October hits...they keep asking and asking until we do it.  This year was no exception- we took their pumpkins to Grammy's house and they were so excited.  We lined the table with old newspaper, decided what kind of faces to make and we got our hands dirty!  Although its dirty- the kids do love take the pumpkin guts out!  I love doing this each year with the kids and I can't wait until next year's pumpkin carving!

Matthew is his silly face- he was trying to act "grossed out" by the pumpkin guts!

Julia telling Auntie Debbie what type of face to draw!


Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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We were very fortunate that Hurricane Sandy didn't bring us too much damage. Although we were without power for about 14 hours- we did just fine.  We are just thankful that our family and friends all did OK as well.  Since Sandy left by Halloween we were able to enjoy lots of festivities.  We had a school halloween parade, haunting hallways at Ashley's school, and of course the big night- Halloween night!  Such fun and we are so glad that the kids continue to want to get dressed up and in the spirit of Halloween!  I think they just want the candy!

Halloween Night 2012-- starting from the left:
Daniel (Hawkeye), Amaya (Cinderella), Alex (IronMan), Julia (Rockstar),
 Matthew (Hulk), Abe (Captain America)

Matthew's School Halloween Parade (Severna Park Elementary School)


We have 2 Hulks!  Matthew is the one in the back...the bigger one  :)
Alex, Amaya, Matthew & Julia at Aunt Ashley's Huanting Hallways at Parkville Middle School

We have never done this before!  We left candy out on our step for the neighborhood kids.  Dave was so worried about his crab pot that he TAPED it onto the bar stool!  Although- the kids could have just ran away with the crab pot and bar stool!  Thankfully when we arrived home, we didn't have any candy left but our crab pot and stool were still there!