We were very fortunate that Hurricane Sandy didn't bring us too much damage. Although we were without power for about 14 hours- we did just fine. We are just thankful that our family and friends all did OK as well. Since Sandy left by Halloween we were able to enjoy lots of festivities. We had a school halloween parade, haunting hallways at Ashley's school, and of course the big night- Halloween night! Such fun and we are so glad that the kids continue to want to get dressed up and in the spirit of Halloween! I think they just want the candy!
Halloween Night 2012-- starting from the left: Daniel (Hawkeye), Amaya (Cinderella), Alex (IronMan), Julia (Rockstar), Matthew (Hulk), Abe (Captain America) |
Matthew's School Halloween Parade (Severna Park Elementary School) |
The HULK! |
We have 2 Hulks! Matthew is the one in the back...the bigger one :) |
Alex, Amaya, Matthew & Julia at Aunt Ashley's Huanting Hallways at Parkville Middle School |
We have never done this before! We left candy out on our step for the neighborhood kids. Dave was so worried about his crab pot that he TAPED it onto the bar stool! Although- the kids could have just ran away with the crab pot and bar stool! Thankfully when we arrived home, we didn't have any candy left but our crab pot and stool were still there! |
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