Tough Questions
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, January 4, 2011.
Along with the hustle, bustle, excitement and goodies that we enjoy during the holidays comes some tough questions from little kids that we have to answer. This year, I was hit with a few questions that I just didn't know how to answer and somehow, some way, I answered them and just hoped it would be enough until my kids grew up and understood why life is the way it is. Unfortunately, I still don't have a lot of answers to life's tough questions either.
Dave & I both visit our father's at the cemetery. In the past the children never questioned why we were there or what we were doing. This year, after a visit to the cemetery, Matthew asked, "Mom, where is Lolo?" "How come we are visiting Pop-Pop here?" I explained that people die and it's OK. I had to tell him. I told him that when people die, they go up to heaven and be with Jesus and turn into Angels. I continued to explain to him, that Angels protect us and help us. That a cemetery is just a place we go to so we can pray for people we love and people who are now angels. Just like church.
Then one night during dinner, Matthew asked where Lolo & Pop-Pop are. I looked at his face and took a deep breath, waiting for an answer to come to me. I explained that they are with Jesus and they are now Guardian Angels. I continued to explain that Lolo & Pop-Pop watch over Matthew & Julia and protect them. He seemed pretty satisfied with that answer and smiled. Then he said that one day he wants to see them and have wings like his Lolo & Pop-Pop and maybe protect Julia.
These questions made me realize that as adults we tend to be cynical. But if we stop and really think about things that we explain to children it puts things in a much better perspective.
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