Merry Christmas
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Saturday, January 1, 2011.
Christmas was extra special this year because Matthew & Julia really "believed" and everything was so magical to them. From all the holiday movies such as "Elf", "Polar Express" and "The Santa Clause" to the lights, decorations and the christmas songs they learned at daycare. They counted down til the night before Christmas, planned and set up the fireplace for Santa's arrival and told everyone....EVERYONE what they wanted for Christmas. This year, the big request was a Nintendo DSi for Matthew & a Cinderella for Julia.
Christmas Eve started off early with all of us making batches of cookies, brownies, rudolph's belly buttons and lemon bars. We then celaned up our sticky hands and put on our nice clothes for Children's Mass. Matthew & Julia loved that our church was decorated with trees, lights and of course the nativity scene. The part they loved the most was watching the children process into the church and listening to them sing songs. After church, we headed to my mom's house for our Christmas Eve dinner. All of the kids were WOUND up from all the cookies and the excitment of the arrival of Santa.
Christmas morning was so special....Matthew & Julia went downstairs to find presents under the tree, presents in their stocking & the cookies, brownies, sweet tea & applesauce (per Julia's request)were all eaten by Santa! They tore into their gifts and the biggest surprise was of Matthew receiving his Nintendo DSi. Julia was very excited about her gifts as well but she was more excited about unwrapping everything! Our Christmas day was spent with my family for brunch and Dave's mom, sister & brother in law for dinner.
Christmas 2010 was wonderful and no matter the holiday, event or day-- we always enjoy being with family. We continue to miss my dad & Dave's dad. Special days like these are always fun, but bitter sweet because we miss our dads, miss celebrating this holiday with them. I just know they continue to look down on us, laugh at all of our funny moments and are guardian angels to Matthew & Julia.
My favorite pircture! My baby brother Abe, Mommy,
big sister Maria & ME!
Mom with ehr new wok! Yippee-- more pansit & egg rolls for us!
Boys & their Toys-- Uncle Aaron with his new Nerf Gun!
All of these presents! What should a Princess do with all of them?!
Alex tearing open his gifts.....with Amaya & Matthew watching to see
what exciting toy it could possibly be!
Bopsy Twins! Ovechikin Twins!
Hey Uncle Abe-- check out my airplanes!
Ovechikin Twins with Princess Julia
Another set of Bopsy Twisn with their matching purses!!
Grammy & Lola with super cute purses!
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