Shoes, Shoes and More shoes

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, October 8, 2013.

As you know Julia is a girly-girl.  She isn't really into sports like her brother.  She doesn't have a competitive streak in her at all.  She could care less what teams are playing this weekend. She does gymnastics but does it for fun- the minute it gets competitive she is OUT!  She is tired of watching and hearing about ESPN.  What she does care about is what colors the teams are wearing.  She is amazed when the teams have a little PINK on their uniforms and loves it when commercials are about clothes, shoes and chocolate.  Sound like someone you know??

Well, instead of watching sports Julia loves to try on shoes.  Loves to try on scarfs, accessories, sweaters and war them around the house.  The girl has been wearing 3-4 inch heels since she could walk.  Here are just a few snapshots of her going throug my closet as we were getting ready tohead out for the day...

Yes- she can bend while wearing 4 inch heels

She LOVES boots!

She can sport the "faux" snake-skin too


Oh...the grocery list is a must in heels

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