Life --
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, October 23, 2013.
It has been over a month since the Navy Yard Shootings and this is the first time I wanted to really talk about that day.
I was so excited for that particular Monday because I had a new employee starting that day and I was looking forward to training her and getting her in the door to wok with other team members. Early that morning I heard about the shots being fired at the Navy Yard in building 197 and my heart stopped for just a quick second. I could feel it. I had that feeling on 9/11 when Dave was in DC. I had that feeling the moment my dad passed. I had that feeling when the doctors told me that my baby was having a difficult time and they needed to do an emergency C-section IMMEDIATELY. I had that feeling when they had to do an emergency C-section with Julia becuase she was having a hard time in my belly. I knew that feeling and my heart stopped.
A few minutes later, a friend sent me an article that had a picture of a man in khaki pants laying on the street. What color were the pants that Dave had on this morning? I couldn't remember as it was so dark when he left. I closed the article. I couldn't read it. I couldn't look at it.
I knew about building 197 becuase Dave is always in there doing some kind of work.
Finally....He called me a few minutes after I found out about the shooting and told me he was heading into 197 for a maintenance. He was going into the building and someone came running out and mentioned the shootings. Dave immediately ran into the building across the street and I knew where he was. That was it. He said he loved me and had to get off the phone.
1 hour... 2 hours... 3 hours had passed and not a word from him.
Family and friends were texting and calling me. I had no answers for them.
I stopped watching TV at work. I refused to watch it.
I stopped listening to the radio. I refused to listen to it.
I stopped checking the internet for updates. I continued to train my new employee.
I kept repeating to myself that he would call me.
He would call.
He will call me.
I took my employee out to lunch. When we left I saw I had a mesage and missed call. HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SERVICE IN THE RESTAURANT!
Message: "Babe- they are checking IDs, asking questions, FBI and police are here. I don't know anything else or if there is still another shooter out there. I don't have much battery life. I will try to call you later. I love you"
I felt my stomach drop. How could I have missed his call?
More time had passed and I had to get the kids from school. What was I going to say as they know daddy is always at the bus stop in the afternoon. They got off the bus and immediately asked for daddy...I just hugged them real tight.
Reports were saying that family members can meet at Nationals Park. More reports were saying that exit ramps were closed to Nationals Park. How am I going to get to Dave? What do I tell the kids?
3:30 p.m.- my phone rang with an unkown number on the caller ID. It was Dave. Someone let him use their phone. This person also gave him money so he can get on the metro and go home. I grabbed the kids from the bus stop and we left the house.
My heart was sad as I drove up to the metro station. So many people were wandering wallets, no phones, no keys....just searching for their loved ones in the parking lot. Then I saw him sitting in the front of the metro station. He looked tired and exhausted. He had no money, no wallet, no keys, no car, no food. I just wanted HIM home. All those other things can be replaced. I ran and hugged him so tightly. My chest still hurt and I was shaking.
I would never want anyone else to feel how I felt that day. I had to keep telling myself that he was coming home to me. He had to come home to me.
I keep telling people that you should enjoy your life. Life is too short to worry about all the nonsense that comes with it.
LOVE one another.
FORGIVE eachother
Be THANKFUL for what you have and for who you have in your life.
Work will be there tomorrow. Chores will be there tomorrow. People are so busy these days that they forget to enjoy time together. You never know what God has planned for you- so live your life, enjoy it, don't be too busy, don't work all the time, have time to play, laugh, eat chocolate and don't worry about the small things. Spend as much time was you can with those you love- because life is too short.
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