Christmas in our new home was wonderful. The kids woke up bright and early and jumped on our bed until we went downstairs. They were surprised and excited to see what Santa had brought them both. After our early morning of opening gifts at home, we ventured out to my mom's house where all 6 grand kids got the star treatment of even more presents and the adults had our annual gift exchange. We had a nice brunch and just relaxed and had the kids play with some of their new toys for a little while. Then later that afternoon we piled in the car again and drove down to Calvert County to visit with Dave's mom, sister and her husband and his son. We had a nice family dinner and exchange presents with family.
We are very blessed to have such a wonderful family. I am thankful each day for everything that we have, our work, our family and our health.
Julia Christmas morning- tore into her stocking to find Snow Caps and more yummy treats! |
Daniel & Dylan at my mom's house waiting patiently to open more gifts! |
Yippee Presents! |
Lola & Julia |
Auntie Debbie and Julia checking out Julia's new boots! |
Julia playing with her new dolls and camping set while the boys just looked on |
Here we go! |
Julia, Matthew, Grammy & Auntie Debbie |
Lola & Her 6 grandkids! |
All 6 kids sitting for a picture! |
Matthew on Christmas morning! |
They tore into the presents Christmas morning pretty quickly! |
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