Batter, Batter, SWIIINNNGGGG Batter, Batter
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, April 11, 2012.
Matthew started Little League (yes- along with soccer)! He has been wanting to start baseball since last year and we finally found a great rec center for him to join. We have decided to join South Maryland Little League in Davidsonville, MD and their older kids do take part in the real Little League. We have a batting helmet, pants, cleats, baseball bag, balls, uniform, glove, batting gloves and so much more equipment! He has been so excited to start and I would like to say that he is so much like his daddy. Even Dave has confessed that Matthew is such a natural at soccer, tennis, football and now baseball. South Maryland Little League will have so many events from a huge Opening Day that the community takes part in, GALA, raffles & fundraisers and closing ceremonies. Watch for more pictures as this weekend is Opening Day so we will be sure to bring you lots more news and pictures.
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