Julia's Birthday Party Celebration--- Part 2!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, July 19, 2010.
Saturday July 17th our family joined us to celebrate Julia's birthday for a pool & pizza party! So much fun was had swimming, playing and enjoying the sun. After the pool party we headed back to our house for some more good food, cake and presents of course! It was a great LONG day and the kids were wiped out that evening. Julia received some very cute gifts and she has
already played with the toys and wore some of her new outfits already!
Birthday Girl is all smiles at the pool!
All the grandkids from the left-
Daniel, Dylan holding Amaya, Alex, Matthew & Julia

Matthew & Daniel enjoying the pool!

Jim & Daniel!

We put Dave in charge of the baby pool!

Ladies, ladies, ladies! Mom & Debbie enjoying the calm & cool water on a HOT day!

Julia's butterfly & lady bug cake!

Happy Birthday to Julia! Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl!

Julia & her princess crown. trust me..she was much happier than she looks in this picture!

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