Julia's 1st day at daycare
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, July 19, 2010.
Parents go through so many milestones with their children from crawling, walking, talking, first days of school, driving, prom, graduation and more. I know its part of life and its just a cycle that we all go through. I know you remember that day you dropped your child off at their first day of school or daycare. That sad look in their eyes, the frown or even the scream that you heard as you walked away. How about that first day when they learn how to drive- are you prepared to get behind the wheel with them? Imagine the night of the prom when you know they are not coming home and will party all night....the things parents do to help their kids become more confident, independent and to become the best they can be.
Today marks Julia's 1st day at a real daycare center. Since she was 3 months old she has only been to an in home daycare and has only had 2 people watch her. This is a huge change for her. The first few weeks will be chaotic, schedules will be off, she will be sad, she will be confused as she slowly adjust to a new environment. Her & Matthew will be in the same daycare center. I know that in just a few weeks she will have the people and the daycare wrapped around her little finger and she will take over. They don't know whats coming yet!
BTW- I am not ready for their first day of at the BIG SCARY elementary school. I'm not ready for them to drive. I am not going to allow them to go to prom (I know...I know) and I am not ready for them to go off to college (college fund is still building).
God knows..I wasn't even prepared for her first day at dacyare today!
Ready to go to daycare this morning at 6:45 a.m.
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