Power, Power...where art thou?
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, July 9, 2012.
Upon our arrival back home Saturday June 30th- we found out about the horrible storms and winds that occurred in our area and surrounding states. We didn't have power when we came home and so thankful for family and friends who offered their homes, their showers, washer/dryer and of course a cool place to sleep. We opted to stay in our basement but I told Dave that if it last longer than 2 days we will have to take up one of the offers and stay with friends or family. I was crying while cleaning out the refrigerator because I had never experienced having to throw out so much food from our freezer. It was such a waste but I knew that we couldn't salvage it or eat it. The reason for this post today is to thank all of the family and friends who were so generous while our power was out- but to also let you know that you should have the following things in your homes so you are prepared for a power outage.... Headlamp with a strap and Light Sabers.
Many moons ago, I asked Dave that he buy me headlamps/lights for my Christmas present. Many of you are probably turning your lips up at this wondering why....well...let me just say the very few times our power has been out and for this long stretch that we just had...it was a lifesaver. My hands were free, I could carry Julia, snacks, water and have a light helping me. Its also great that the kids can wear it and they can walk around hands free and navigate with a light on their head. Even though we may look like aliens, it is a perfect item to have around the house.
Light saber- you are cracking up I know. During our Disney trip, the kids had a chance to make their own light sabers. We already had 2 of them at home, so why not have an additional 3 light sabers from Disney right? These bad boys- although a little noisy were perfect for the nights we didn't have sunlight. The kids would turn them on and we had 2 red, a blue, a green and purple light saber light show! Luckily once the kids fell asleep, we could turn off the light sabers :)
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