A TRUE Fan....
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, December 2, 2011.
...This is my husband. Loves Redskins. Loves Capitals. Loves his family. Loves Redskins. When I say tha the is a true fane- I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. From the pit of my stomach. Each Sunday we spend with my family in Baltimore County and unfortunately they hardly ever show the Redskins games. But he doesn't complain. He spends time with the family and eagerly gets in the car on the way home to hear the commentators or tries to catch the last few minutes of the game. He wears his Redskins gear each week- underwear, pajamas, shirts, jersey, drinks out of his Redskins cup...all hoping for a win. Win or lose, Dave will always be a Redskins fan.
This year, his mom gave him a small gift to keep the positive spirit of the Redskins in our family. We received the PIG. Yes- it is a pillow-pet Redskin! Matthew & Dave take turns sleeping with it. Piggy watches the games with us and Piggy is Dave's support when the Redskins lose....Thank you Piggy for understanding my husband's feelings about the game, his thoughts and his love for the REDSKINS!
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