Cracker Barrel & Lights on the Bay= PERFECT
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, December 12, 2011.
This past weekend we went to see the Lights on the Bay. It was a nice surprise when Santa greeted us at the gate and gave us candy canes. He then talk to the kids breifly about how he is checking his list and that he is excited to come to our house on Christmas! The Lights on the Bay is presented by Anne Arundel Medical center- the hospital where both kids were born. It's always nice being able to give money or give back to hospitals and charitable organizations. After we enjoyed a ride around the bay we went over the Bay Bridge and had dinner at Cracker Barrell. Although it was busy we had a wonderful family dinner and evening!
I did take a few pictures but we were so excited about the lights that I forgot to take pictures until the very end of the show :(
This picture is priceless- the road sign is included in the picture!

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