Kinder Farm Park- Fall Festival 2011
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, October 10, 2011.
This year we wanted to try something a little different for a fall festival for the kids. I heard a lot of wonderful things about the Fall Festival that Kinder Farm Park holds each year. It's only one day a year so I knew that it was going to be crowded! What I didn't know is HOW MUCH there was going to be for the kids to do. We didn't do half of the things because we were so tired from walking and we were beat from Matthew's soccer game that morning. Let me just say--- it was huge and spreadout so it didn't feel like it was overly crowded-- mechanical bull rides for kids (slow of course), Boo marn, corn maize, tractor rides, mini tractors for kids, music, dancing, an awesome 3 level playground, pumpkin painting, games, moon bounces, vendors, blacksmith, woodturners, and so much more. I much more! Next year I would like to go back when it opens so we have more time to walk around and enjoy the festvities we didn't have time for!
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