Green Street Gardens
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Wednesday, October 19, 2011.
We went to Green Street Gardens this past weekend and had a blast! It is such a beautiful farm with a cute little store. They sell all of your gardening needs, purses, homemade jams and household gifts. The highlight was of course their fall festival. We had a blast! To get to the farm festival, you had to ride the tractor through the boo barn and through the woods where not so scary aliens were hanging out. Then you arrive at this beautiful field with an underground slide, HUGE jumping pillow, corn maize for little ones and adults, corn box where kids could jump, lay and crawl through corn and so much more. The kdis spent hours at this farm and didn't want to leave..but I was getting hungry!
Matthew trying to get through the maize
Matthew trying to get through the maize

Matthew in one of the many tires they had filled with corn! The kids could jump, and crawl in it. Their pockets and shoes were filled woith corn kernels!

Julia in the HUGE jumping pillow. This thing was pretty neat! The kids could do somersaults, cart-wheels, and jump as much as they could!

Julia hanging out by the pumpkin patch!

Grammy, Debbie, Matthew & Julia- waiting for the tractor

Our silly family picture-- too bad Dave isn't looking at the camera!

Matthew, Auntie Debbie & Julia at Green Street Gardens
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