Watch D.O.G.S

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, September 9, 2011.

Now that Matthew has started grade school- more specifically, Kindergarten, we have had many opportunties to sign up and volunteer at school. Along with PTA, the book fair, volunteering at school, Dave signed up for "Watch D.O.G.S" -- "Watch- Dads of Great Students"

"Watch D.O.G.S" is a program that promotes and gets fathers, uncles, grandparents involved in their student's schools. They spends few days or more throughout the school year helping out in classes, cafeteria, cultural arts clases such as music, art and gym, read to students, help administrators and teachers. It is so important for family members to volunteer at their student's schools. Its extremely important to see more dad's in the schools, lending a hand and being a part of the student's lives.

Congratulations David on being part of the WATCH D.O.G.S program! This is such a great program and I hope that many more schools and fathers join and take part in DADS OF GREAT STUDENTS!

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