Changes....Kindergarten...Preschool...oh my...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, August 19, 2011.
So as you may know, Matthew starts Kindergarten this year. YES. I know. I am nervous. I am scared. Forms, doctor's appointments, medications, more forms and instructions and more instructions. The last few weeks have been spent clenaing out the closet and making room for school supplies, sharpening his pencils, labeling items, making folders, making emergency lists, it is never ending.....
Matthew is excited. He is getting new shoes, some clothes, new bookbag and new lunch box. He is anxious to start, he wants to meet new friends, he wants to meet his teacher.
Julia is also moving up to the 3's class at her daycare. Long gone are the days of her being the baby class. They have workbooks, they have games, they have to wipe their own hineys!
So many changes with Kindergarten and Preschool.
You ask how I am doing.....I will tell you next week when they start Kindergarten & Preschool......
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