Showings, showings and more showings...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Thursday, July 7, 2011.
Now that it is summer, the showings on our house are in full swing! We have been getting a showing almost everyday and the responses are great! People like the house, they feel that it is priced right...but we are still waiting for the right people to say "YES" to our house. We are in no rush, we are in no hurry and we know that the right person/family will come along and love the house as much as we love it.
It is very tiring though to keep the house immaculate with two little kids running around. The house doesn't look like a museum, it looks lived in, loved and feels warm and homey but clean and neat.
The kids have been troopers with having to rush out of the house as soon as a potential buyer calls, they know how to "neatly" put their toys away so it doesn't come flying out of a closet when a buyer opens it. They understand that they may have to eat dinner out a few nights a week instead of eating at home or stay at the library, park or store until someone is done looking at the house.....amazing how much kids understand even at their young age....

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