Julia's Birthday Party- Grammy House - Party #3
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, July 19, 2011.

Saturday, July 16th- Julia turned 3 years old. My sweet baby girl. Who has my attitude, Dave's sense of humor and is just so beautiful. Even at the age of 3, she continues to challenge us with her facial expressions, her talking back and but we adore her cuteness, dancing, singing and laughter. Matthew just loves his sister even though they constantly bicker, both are still learning how to share and he looks after her all the time. So thankful for such a wonderful family and always thankful that my dad and Dave's father is looking down on us and guiding us.
Saturday, we had a birthday party for Julia at Grammy's house. We celebrated with Debbie, Jim, Eric, Renee & Grammy. had burgers, dogs, crabs, salads and yummy cake and ice cream.
That evening we gave Julia our gifts and the most special moment of the day was when Matthew gave her his gifts. For the last few weeks, he has been asking to get Julia something. We took him to the store and he picked out two things that Julia just loves-- princess nail polish and a tinkerbell doll!

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