Soccer Tournament
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, May 23, 2011.
Spring soccer season has come to an end and although I am sad that its over, but I now get two have my Tuesday & Thursday evening free again to do some much needed packing, cleaning and organzing at home. This past Saturday (05/21/11) Matthew & Julia took part in the soccer tournaments and even though it was a long day on the field, the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The field was packed with kids playing their soccer tournaments, large inflatable moonbounces for the kids to jump on in the middle of their games, plenty of smoked pit-beef, rita's italian ice and a pizza party for all kids, parents and family members! The best part of the day was when they received their trophies. They were so happy, excited and proud of themselevs. What a great soccer season and I look forward to so many more sports, games and activities that the kids will be taking part in!
Julia trying to kick the ball between Dave's legs to score a goal! I bet that Major League Soccer has never seen that move before!
Julia trying to kick the ball between Dave's legs to score a goal! I bet that Major League Soccer has never seen that move before!

Kick it Julia! There is no one else trying to get the ball! Run!

Hustle Matthew! Get in the game and steal that ball!

Hmmm... 2 blue soccer players against 4 gray soccer players.
Doesn't seem fiar but I know we can do it!

YUM! We need to refuel with pizza & water!

Julia's very first soccer trophy!
Coach Gretchen and Matthew with his trophy!
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