Quitting Cold Turkey
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, March 21, 2011.
YES! Julia has finally stopped using her ninny/binky - cold turkey! Julia can not fall asleep at night without her ninny. After a long night of waking up three times in the wee hours of the morning searching for her ninn, I finally had enough. That morning during a big helping of pancakes, I told Julia that she is now a big girl and we have to give all of her ninnys to other babies. She nodded her head while scooping up a forkful of pancakes and said ok. I told her that since she was a big girl we could go to the store and pick out a lamb, bear or stuffed animal that she can sleep with (to replace her ninny) Easy enough!
That evening as we were preparing for bed, Dave and I waited for her to ask for her ninny. Holding her new stuffed bunny, she looked in the drawer where she usually keeps her ninny and they weren't there. She cried and threw a mini temper tantrum. But, within 2 minutes she was over it. She didn't ask again for her ninny that night. She fell asleep without it and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she went right back to bed without the ninny. Much easier transition than we would have ever thought!
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