My Super Hero...
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, March 7, 2011.
A long time ago, I had my first dream of David being a super hero. I have continued to have these strange dreams of him being a super hero since that day. Heroic things he has done include rescuing me, helping me or saving the world. My dreams became more real when I was pregnant with both kids. During my pregnancy, all of his super hero skills came out in my dreams. He was able to fly, throw fire, killed bad people who were chasing me while I was pregnant, he had super amazing strength and was able to pick up buildings and cars, break through streets and roads. Just this past weekend, I had yet another dream of him saving the world of bad guys, lifting up a 2nd story building and while doing all of this he was making sure that I was safe. Incredible. Super Strength. Man of Steel. My Super Hero!
I wonder what these dreams mean? If anyone knows how to analyze dreams, I would be interested to learn and understand why David is always a super hero in my dream!
I wonder what these dreams mean? If anyone knows how to analyze dreams, I would be interested to learn and understand why David is always a super hero in my dream!
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