Quitting Cold Turkey

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, March 21, 2011.
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YES! Julia has finally stopped using her ninny/binky - cold turkey! Julia can not fall asleep at night without her ninny. After a long night of waking up three times in the wee hours of the morning searching for her ninn, I finally had enough. That morning during a big helping of pancakes, I told Julia that she is now a big girl and we have to give all of her ninnys to other babies. She nodded her head while scooping up a forkful of pancakes and said ok. I told her that since she was a big girl we could go to the store and pick out a lamb, bear or stuffed animal that she can sleep with (to replace her ninny) Easy enough!

That evening as we were preparing for bed, Dave and I waited for her to ask for her ninny. Holding her new stuffed bunny, she looked in the drawer where she usually keeps her ninny and they weren't there. She cried and threw a mini temper tantrum. But, within 2 minutes she was over it. She didn't ask again for her ninny that night. She fell asleep without it and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she went right back to bed without the ninny. Much easier transition than we would have ever thought!

Now, let's tackle that other little problem...potty training!

It's Soccer Time!

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Friday, March 18, 2011.
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Oh yes- our Spring soccer season will be very busy this year. We joined Julia on the Mini's soccer team this spring and Matthew is now in the 5-6 clinics! Although Julia is a bit young to start soccer, we wanted her to be able to go out and play with friends, have fun on the soccer field and just enjoy it. Julia is very timid when meeting new people so we knew that she would have a hard time on her first season. We also thought this may help her shyness around new kids and new people. Many mommys & daddys are on the field with the little soccer players their first season, sometimes even into their second season. Matthew was also very timid in the beginning but now he is out there on his own, playing soccer, having fun, playing games and enjoying the sport. The coaches at Julia's age are all about fun, the object at this age is for the kids to have fun with the soccer ball. All we do at practice is play red light, green light, race, kick the ball in the goal and so many other games.

Matthew's team is very focused- although the kids still like to pick flowers, chase eachother and lose focus when a dog comes running onto the field. They are still having fun, playing different games and learning to have fun with the sport.
Yes! She kicked a goal all by herself!
Julia with her jersey for Saturday's game!
Matthew & his soccer friends!
Julia & mommy trying to get to the other side of the field! A little encouragement from mommy helps. Trust that you will see lots of pictures of me with Julia on the soccer field this season!

Julia's 1st Haircut!

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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After 2 1/2 years we finally made it to Cartoon Cuts to get Julia's hair cut. She did a great job and loved having someone give her headbands, hairclips and a lollipop! We only trimmed the ends and had her layer Julia's hair so the curls sit nicely! So cute!

Happy Birthday David!

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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March 12th David turned the good ol age of 39! We had a little lunch at his mom's house and the weather was so perfect that we spent most of the afternoon playing football, baseball, riding bikes and running after the kids! We had such a yummy meal of turkey, potatoes, shrimp and of course excellent cake! Happy Birthday Baby- we love you!

Friendly football game-- Eric, Nicholas, Jim & David!

My Super Hero...

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Monday, March 7, 2011.
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A long time ago, I had my first dream of David being a super hero. I have continued to have these strange dreams of him being a super hero since that day. Heroic things he has done include rescuing me, helping me or saving the world. My dreams became more real when I was pregnant with both kids. During my pregnancy, all of his super hero skills came out in my dreams. He was able to fly, throw fire, killed bad people who were chasing me while I was pregnant, he had super amazing strength and was able to pick up buildings and cars, break through streets and roads. Just this past weekend, I had yet another dream of him saving the world of bad guys, lifting up a 2nd story building and while doing all of this he was making sure that I was safe. Incredible. Super Strength. Man of Steel. My Super Hero!

I wonder what these dreams mean? If anyone knows how to analyze dreams, I would be interested to learn and understand why David is always a super hero in my dream!

What do ya'll think?

March Birthday Celebrations Part 1- Alex & Ashley

Posted by Mary Grace (MGD)
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Yes-- March is another month where we have 3 birthday celebrations! This past weekend, we had a fun celebration at Port Discovery for Alex- my 3 year old nephew. He & his mom (my sister in law) Ashley actually share the same birthday March 5th! This was our first time at Port Discovery in Baltimore, MD and every one had so much fun. This place is a children's museum that allows kdis to explore, play, climb and use all of their senses in many different ways.
We are definately coming back becuase we did't get a chance to explore all of the fun rooms! Alex had a super fun part filled with family, friends, pizza, cake and presents of course!

Lola & Julia painting a portrait

Julia, Natalia & Lola chillin on a bean bag!

Julia & Lola...again :)

Dylan climbing & exploring! I saw lots of moms & dads trying to
get through this little tunnel!

Dylan & daniel made it to the TOP of the indoor tree house!

Who's that in the drain? Dylan!

Party room- we were making pirate treasures!

Me & Julia at Wonders of Water! Yes- she got wet and YES she loved it!

Matthew & David drawing a beautiful picture

Another one that we found in the drain! Daniel!