Farms, Farms and MORE Farms!
Posted by Mary Grace (MGD) on Tuesday, October 26, 2010.
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The last few weeks, we have been so busy doing fall activities and visited 3 farms! If it was up to Matthew & Julia they would like to go to another 2 or 3 farms before it gets cold. Our first farm trip this fall was at Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, MD. We went twith Dave's mom and sister and had a nice lunch afterwards. Homestead is a cute little farm and had so many activities for little ones along with a hayride to visit some llamas!
The second farm we visited as Weber's Cider Mill Farm in Parkville, MD and they had small and large corn maize for the kids, little tractor rides, hillside slides, boo-barn and more. We enjoyed some yummy ice cream and some apple cider donuts--YUM!
The third farm we visited was with Matthew's school at Green Meadows Farm in Jessup, MD. This was a treat because he was able to ride a school bus for the very first time. Actually all of the kids on the bus were so thrilled because they had never riden on a school bus before. Green Maeadow's Farm is massive and lots of hills, lots of walking, petting zoo, barn shows. My Matthew actually touched a big fat pink pig, a horse and even a cow! I can't tell if he loved the school bus ride more or cheering on the pigs in the pig races!
Lola and ALL six grandkids! Amaya, Matthew, Julia, Daniel,
Dylan & Alex
Mathew, Daniel, Dylan and Alex waiting for the tractor to GO!
Matthew and his daycare friends at Green Meadow's Farm