Those of you who know Julia know how shy she can get. Many times she won't even look at you, talk to you or even give you a high-five. She will just look at you with her big brown eyes and wait for mom or dad to talk on her behalf. Sometimes if you ask her about food she will nod her head for yes or shake her head for no (a girl has to eat)....but most of the time she won't talk to you if she doesn't really know you. She is very selective on who she talks to and she isnt doing it because she is a just takes her a bit longer to gain your trust. However, once you have Julia's trust, she becomes your best friend immediately. She is kind of like her Mamma in that's all about trust. This school year was a big growth year for her. Dave and I along with her teachers were very skeptic about her standing infront of so many people at gradtuaion, introducing herself and saying her name and having to sing songs infront of people 30 people she doesn't know. She practiced each night saying her name, practiced her courtsey and practiced her smile. She even got some encouraging words from her big brother "It's no big deal Julia, all you have to do is say your name and courtesy then you can go to lunch!"(remember Matthew's graduation??)
The big graduation day came and she did wonderfully! She sang so loud and I can't say it enough- we are so so produd of her for gaining the confidence and strength to do this infront of so many people. After graduation, we took her, Lola and Grammy to the mall for some retail therapy where she wore her gradutation cap proudly and ate up all the attention from on-lookers and other shoppers. Her lunch pick was Cheesecake Factory and boy was it yummy! With ended the afternoon with the Oreo Extreme Cheesecake.
She is doing more growing this year as she will attend summer camp with Matthew- which is very different from daycare. All this growth, confidence and learning is just the stepping stones to Kindergarten, grade school, middle school, high school and! Such a beautiful and sweet girl, independent, funny, has a huge personality, loyal to those she trusts and we are so proud of her!
Her teacher just put her cap on and she is waiting patiently to line up |
She just processed into the pavillion and found her name on the floor. |
Receiving her "diploma" from the daycare center's owner |
Proud Lola and Grammy |
Proud Mamma and Daddy- yes Matthew is missing as he had to go to school |
Oh yea- its my graduation, I want Cheesecake Factory woot woot! |
Lights out baby-- exhausted, tired and full of sugar from the Oreo Cheesecake |